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 1. Asher Susser is Professor of Middle East Studies at Tel Aviv University and the Former Director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies.  The War in Gaza and Southern Israel: Ramifications for Israel, the Palestinians and the Middle East  UCLA Israel Studies Program  
 2. Asher Susser is Professor of Middle East Studies at Tel Aviv University and the Former Director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies.  The War in Gaza and Southern Israel: Ramifications for Israel, the Palestinians and the Middle East  UCLA Israel Studies Program  
 3. WHYY  Israel and the Palestinians  Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane 
 4. Professor Shai Feldman; Dr. Khalil Shikaki  Israel and the Palestinians: Domestic Developments and Prospects for Talks  LSE Public Lectures and Events 
 5. Shir Hever, Economist for the Alternative Information Center (AIC)  Israel Responsible for over One Billion Dollars in Damages to East Jerusalem Palestinians  News from Within: Palestine/Israel Podcast 
 6. Tony Garland  Israel Through the Eyes of Scripture: The Church in Relation to Israel   
 7. Ali Abunimah  Prospects for Palestinians in Gaza  Redeye: Vancouver Cooperative Radio 
 8. Edythe Mae Gordon  Hear ye, Israel [Elias. Höre Israel]  Edison Amberol: 147 
 9. Daniel Gavron  Coexistence and Cooperation Between Israelis and Palestinians: The Untold Story  Jewish Book Week 2008 
 10. israel  hymne israel - israel anthem   
 11. Dschinghis Khan  Israel, Israel  Dschinghis Khan Collection   
 12. Pastor Art Kohl  The Israel Of God  Faith Bible Baptist Church 
 13. Martin Gilbert  Israel   
 14. Dschinghis Khan  Israel, Israel  Dschinghis Khan   
 15. Dario Galante - Augusto Mattoso - Rafael Barata  Israel  Standards Live In Paraty 
 16. Pastor Art Kohl  The Israel Of God  Faith Bible Baptist Church 
 17. Pastor Art Kohl  The Israel Of God  Faith Bible Baptist Church 
 18. Greg Boyd  The New Way of the New Israel : 8/12/07  Woodland Hills Church 2007 
 19. Pastor Art Kohl  The Israel Of God  Faith Bible Baptist Church 
 20. Army Defense  israel  77 World Tour 
 21. Clips Shlock Rock  Israel Rap  A405 Clips Shlock Rock For Kids Volume 3 
 22. Shlock Rock For Kids  Where In Israel  Party Time - New Master 
 23. Alex Jones & Paul Craig Roberts  Getting It RIGHT on Israel  August 7, 2007 
 24. Laura Lamb  Palestine, Israel and me   
 25. Bryan Chandler  Israel and the Gospel   
 26. Johnny Wizard  Nazi Israel  Johnny Wizard's Greatest Hits 
 27. Johnny Wizard  Nazi Israel  Johnny Wizard's Greatest Hits 
 28. Todd Mitchell  In this Way All Israel Will be Saved  Romans 11:25-32 
 29. Ilan Pappe  Leaving Israel   
 30. Blind Justice  Fuck Israel  That's Not For You 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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